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Experiments: Call for Proposals

A technician works on main amplifiers at the Omega EP laser at the University of Rochester's Laboratory for Laser Energetics are pictured May 8, 2014. // photo by J. Adam Fenster /

About Laboratory Basic Science

For information about the Omega Laser Facility and further information about the Laboratory Basic Science (LBS) program, including a User’s Guide, please visit: Questions relating to the Omega Laser Facility, the current experimental capabilities and this call for proposal should be addressed to High-Energy-Density Physics (HEDP) Theory Group Leader, Ryan Rygg:

Award Information


All CMAP team members: faculty, scientists, researchers, post-docs and graduate students at the partner institutions are eligible to submit a proposal. Users’ institutions are generally responsible for travel and target expenses as well as any significant consumables required by the experiment.

Award Amount and Sizes

There are five (5) CMAP shot days available in FY2024 (October 2023 to September 2024). The award size minimum allotment is one-half (0.5) day for OMEGA 60 and one (1) day for OMEGA EP. The maximum allotment for each award will be limited to one (1) day per year.

Required Acknowledgement for Successful Applications

“The experiment was conducted at the Omega Laser Facility with the beam time provided under the auspices of the Center for Matter at Atomic Pressures (CMAP), a National Science Foundation (NSF) Physics Frontiers Center, under Award PHY-2020249. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the investigator(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the National Science Foundation.”

Application Package

Investigator(s) should submit the following requirements as a single PDF:

    • Cover (one-page)
    • Executive proposal summary (one-page)
    • Facility experimental configuration summary (two-page)
  • Project narrative (five-page limit)
  • Bibliography and references cited
  • Biographical sketches for the PI and up to five additional key team members
  • Funding sources

Investigator(s) must complete the three-slide experiment summary as a PowerPoint file:

The CMAP call for proposals for FY2024 were due March 13, 2023.

Decision notifications were sent in early April 2023.

Updated three-slide summaries are due April 17, 2023.