Might Uranus And Neptune Have Deep, Multi-Layer Oceans?
February 14, 2025
Dr. Burkhardt Militzer talks in Science Friday, about his recent research based on computer simulations of fluids hints that the planets could contain vast multi-layered oceans, as much as thousands of miles deep.
Magnetic disorder of Uranus and Neptune explained
UC Berkeley Professor Burkhard Militzer shares great news: “Phase separation of planetary ices explains nondipolar magnetic fields of Uranus and Neptune.”
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Watch Adam Frank discuss this discovery and more on MSNBC
Gilbert “Rip” Collins joins ranks of AAAS fellows
For “distinguished contributions to Condensed Matter Physics, particularly for his seminal groundbreaking work in high energy density science of matter at extreme pressures.”
This is the first time since 2009 that three faculty members have been elected in one year, as 2023 fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
Designation as an AAAS fellow is a distinguished lifetime honor within the scientific community.
A new theory for how oceans form on other worlds
Adam Frank explores how the study of exoplanets is transforming our understanding of ocean formation.
“How to find a planet you can’t see”
Under extreme pressures, matter defies the rules of physics as we know it.
From fusion to exoplanets: How to squeeze matter with light
Adam Frank writes in Big Think, “Scientists are studying ultra-high-pressure regimes in the Universe, not through traditional means like physical compression, but by using lasers. The Laboratory for Laser Energetics at the University of Rochester uses a powerful 60-beam Omega laser system to deliver concentrated energy to targets, mimicking the conditions of exoplanet interiors and star centers.”
CMAP Summer School for Undergraduates concludes inaugural on campus program
CMAP hosted a one-week residential program for undergraduates from colleges and universities across the country to learn more about the physics of extreme states of matter.
Ian Ocampo awarded 2023-24 Charlotte Elizabeth Procter Fellowship
Ian Ocampo, a graduate student in the High-Pressure Mineral Physics Laboratory at Princeton University, has been awarded the 2023-24 Charlotte Elizabeth Procter Fellowship.
Second CMAP Annual Meeting
May 24, 2023
The second CMAP Annual Meeting, hosted at the University of Rochester on River Campus, was a gathering of the CMAP team partner organizations. We welcomed guests from California State University Northridge; University of Chicago; University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; University of Illinois at Chicago; University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Sandia National Laboratories; University of California, Santa Cruz; Imperial College London; and University of Oxford.
Jupiter at its core remains a mystery to science
Adam Frank writes in Big Think, “For decades, planetary science was firm on the fact that Jupiter has a rocky core. New data extracted directly from the king of planets by the Juno spacecraft challenged that long-held standard.”