Gilbert “Rip” Collins joins ranks of AAAS fellows
Ian Ocampo, a graduate student in the High-Pressure Mineral Physics Laboratory at Princeton University, has been awarded the 2023-24 Charlotte Elizabeth Procter Fellowship.
Thomas Duffy awarded 2023-24 American Geophysical Union College of Fellows Distinguished Lecturer and selected as a 2023 Mercator Fellow, Matter Under Planetary Interior Conditions Research Unit, German Research Foundation
Thomas Duffy, professor of geosciences at Princeton University, was awarded as an American Geophysical Union College of Fellows Distinguished Lecturer in 2023-24, in Earth Interior, Mineral and Rock Physics for his abstract, “Journey to the Center of a Super-Earth.” He was also selected as a 2023 Mercator Fellow in the Matter Under Planetary Interior Conditions Research Unit by the German Research Foundation.
Ian Ocampo awarded 2023-24 Charlotte Elizabeth Procter Fellowship
Ian Ocampo, a graduate student in the High-Pressure Mineral Physics Laboratory at Princeton University, has been awarded the 2023-24 Charlotte Elizabeth Procter Fellowship.
Danae Polsin received the 2023 Outstanding Young Alum Award from the SUNY Geneseo Alumni Association
Danae Polsin, a scientist in the High-Energy-Density Experimental Physics Group at the Laser Laboratory for Energetics and an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Rochester, received the 2023 Outstanding Young Alum Award from the SUNY Geneseo Alumni Association.
Sara Seager received an honorary Doctor of Science from the University of Toronto in 2023
For her leadership in the fields of astrophysics and planetary science and as a leader in the field of exoplanet atmospheres, Sara Seager received a Doctor of Science, honoris causa, from the University of Toronto in June 2023.
Maureen Zhang won second place in the category of physics and astronomy at ISEF Regeneron 2023
Maureen Zhang, a CMAP Research Experience for High Schoolers (REH) program alumna, won 2nd place in the category of physics and astronomy at ISEF Regeneron 2023, a highly competitive international science competition for high school students with nearly 3,000 student attendees. M. Zhang presented a machine learning project to determine the number of exoplanets in planetary systems.
Jessica Shang selected as a 2022 Rochester Engineering Society Young Engineer of the Year Finalist
Jessica Shang, assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Rochester was selected as a 2022 Rochester Engineering Society Young Engineer of the Year Finalist.
Afreen Syeda received an Outstanding Poster Award at the NNSA’s 2023 Stewardship Science Academic Programs Symposium
February 15, 2023
Afreen Syeda, a graduate student in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Rochester, received an Outstanding Poster Award at the NNSA’s 2023 Stewardship Science Academic Programs Symposium in February 2023.
Miki Nakajima selected as 2023 NSF CAREER Award recipient
February 6, 2023
Miki Nakajima, assistant professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences and Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Rochester, is the recipient of a 2023 NSF CAREER award for her project, “CAREER: GLOW: Investigation on the evolution of magnetic fields of early Earth and beyond with cutting-edge research opportunities for future scientists.”
Jessica Shang elected Member-at-Large of the APS GSCCM
January 2023
Jessica Shang, assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Rochester was elected Member-at-Large (a 2-year term) of the APS Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter (GSCCM).