Seed Funding: Call for Proposals

Goals of Seed Projects
We are looking to award projects that are going to:
- Address an emerging technical or science problem within the scope of CMAP, including experimental or theoretical techniques
- Foster new, novel science directions by, or collaborations with, CMAP team members
- Foster new technology transfer and industry partnerships
- Foster new, creative educational, outreach and diversity activities by CMAP
Award Information
All CMAP team members and all other faculty, scientists, researchers, and graduate students at US institutions who are collaborating with CMAP team members are eligible to propose a seed project.
Award Amount and Uses
Seed funding is awards $5,000 to $25,000 per project. Exceptional circumstances may be considered for proposals requesting funding greater than $25,000 (please include a justification for such requests).
Funding supports:
- Experiments
- Development of a diagnostic or technique
- Development of computational tools
- Travel
- Graduate student compensation
- Equipment
- Supplies
- Other categories
Funding does not support faculty salary or overhead.
Required Acknowledgement for Successful Applications
“Funding (or partial funding) for this research was provided by the Center for Matter at Atomic Pressures (CMAP), a National Science Foundation (NSF) Physics Frontiers Center, under Award PHY-2020249. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the National Science Foundation.”
Application Package
Applicants should submit the following as a single PDF to
- Download the instructions and 2-page fillable Word document template
- Cover (one page)
- Project proposal executive summary (one page)
- Project narrative (one-page limit)
- Bibliography and references cited
- Itemized budget and potential institutional matching
Decision notifications for the annual call will be sent in October 2023.