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Atmospheric wind energization of ocean weather
Shikhar Rai, J. Thomas Farrar & Hussein Aluie, Atmospheric wind energization of ocean weather, (2025). In Nature Communications.
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Roberto Tejada Arevalo, Ankan Sur, Yubo Su, and Adam Burrows, Jupiter Evolutionary Models Incorporating Stably Stratified Regions, (2025). In The Astrophysical Journal.
Calculating spectra by sequential filtering
Dongxiao Zhao, Hussein Aluie, Calculating spectra by sequential filtering, (2025). In Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy.
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Two Earth-size Planets and an Earth-size Candidate Transiting the nearby Star HD 101581
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Combined speckle- and propagation-based single shot two-dimensional phase retrieval method
A. F. T. Leong, D. S. Hodge, K. Kurzer-Ogul, S. Marchesini, S. Pandolfi, Y. Liu, J. L. Barber, K. Li, A. Sakdinawat, E. C. Galtier, B. Nagler, H. Ja Lee, E. F. Cunningham, T. E. Carver, H. Aluie, J. K. Shang, C. A. Bolme, K. J. Ramos, D. Khaghani, R. L. Sandberg, D. S. Montgomery, P. M. Kozlowski, and A. E. Gleason, Combined speckle- and propagation-based single shot two-dimensional phase retrieval method, (2024). In Optics Express.
Phase separation of planetary ices explains nondipolar magnetic fields of Uranus and Neptune
Burkhard Militzer, Phase separation of planetary ices explains nondipolar magnetic fields of Uranus and Neptune, (2024). In PNAS.
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Powder X-ray diffraction assisted evolutionary algorithm for crystal structure prediction
Stefano Racioppi, Alberto Otero-de-la-Roza, Samad Hajinazar, Eva Zurek, Powder X-ray diffraction assisted evolutionary algorithm for crystal structure prediction, (2024). In Digital Discovery.
Surface Variability Mapping and Roughness Analysis of the Moon Using a Coarse-Graining Decomposition
Siyu Xue, Benjamin A. Storer, Rachel C. Glade, Hussein Aluie, Surface Variability Mapping and Roughness Analysis of the Moon Using a Coarse-Graining Decomposition, (2024). In Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Planets.
A platform for planar dynamic compression of crystalline hydrogen toward the terapascal regime
A. K. Schwemmlein , G. W. Collins, A. J. LaPierre, Z. K. Sprowal, D. N. Polsin, R. Jeanloz, P. M. Celliers, J. H. Eggert, J. R. Rygg, A platform for planar dynamic compression of crystalline hydrogen toward the terapascal regime, (2024). In Review of Scientific Instruments.
D. N. Polsin, D. A. Chin, T. S. Duffy, M. Ginnane, X. Gong, L. E. Hansen, A. J. LaPierre, M. C. Marshall1, G. W. Collins, J. R. Rygg, Atomic structure and melting of Ni and Fe36Ni up to 400 GPa, 27 June 2024,
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A Scale-Dependent Analysis of the Barotropic Vorticity Budget in a Global Ocean Simulation
Hemant Khatri, Stephen M. Griffies, Benjamin A. Storer, Michele Buzzicotti, Hussein Aluie, Maike Sonnewald, Raphael Dussin, Andrew Shao, A Scale-Dependent Analysis of the Barotropic Vorticity Budget in a Global Ocean Simulation, (2024). In Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES).
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E. Tey, A. Shporer, Z. Lin, K. G. Stassun, J.J. Lissauer, C. Hellier, K. A. Collins, K. I. Collins, G. Wingham, H. M. Relles, F. Mallia, G. Isopi, J. F. Kielkopf, D. M. Conti, R. P. Schwarz, A. Zapparata, S. Giacalone, E. Furlan, Z. D. Hartman, S. B. Howell, N. J. Scott, C. Ziegler, C. Briceño, N. Law, A. W. Mann, D. Charbonneau, Z. Essack, S. Striegel, G. R. Ricker, R. Vanderspek, S. Seager, J. N. Winn, and J. M. Jenkins, GJ 238 b: A 0.57 Earth Radius Planet Orbiting an M2.5 Dwarf Star at 15.2 pc, (2024). In The Astronomical Journal.
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The development of thermodynamically consistent and physics-informed equation-of-state model through machine learning
J. Hinz, Dayou Yu, Deep Shankar Pandey, Hitesh Sapkota, Qi Yu, D. I. Mihaylov, V. V. Karasiev, S. X. Hu, The development of thermodynamically consistent and physics-informed equation-of-state model through machine learning, (2024). In APL Machine Learning.
D. A. Chin, P. M. Nilson, J. J. Ruby, G. Bunker, M. Ghosh, M. E. Signor, D. T. Bishel, E. A. Smith, F. Coppari, Y. Ping, J. R. Rygg, G. W. Collins, Parametrized ion-distribution model for extended x-ray absorption fine-structure analysis at high-energy-density conditions, (2024). In Physics of Plasmas.
K. Kurzer-Ogul, B. M. Haines, D. S. Montgomery, S. Pandolfi, J. P. Sauppe, A. F. T. Leong, D. Hodge, P. M. Kozlowski, S. Marchesini, E. Cunningham, E. Galtier, D. Khaghani, H. J. Lee, B. Nagler, R. L. Sandberg, A. E. Gleason, H. Aluie, J. K. Shang, Radiation and heat transport in divergent shock–bubble interactions, (2024). In Physics of Plasmas.
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Helical dynamo growth and saturation at modest versus extreme magnetic Reynolds numbers
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On the Electride Nature of Na‐hP4
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Structural and Thermodynamic Properties of Magnesium-Rich Liquids at Ultrahigh Pressure
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Spatio‐Temporal Coarse‐Graining Decomposition of the Global Ocean Geostrophic Kinetic Energy
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Phase transitions and spin state of iron in FeO under the conditions of Earth’s deep interior
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Specific Heat of Electron Plasma Waves
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Intercalating Helium into A-Site Vacant Perovskites
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Why the observed spin evolution of older-than-solar-like stars might not require a dynamo mode change
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Ion and electron acoustic bursts during anti-parallel magnetic reconnection driven by lasers
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Non-thermal electron acceleration from magnetically driven reconnection in a laboratory plasma
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Novel fabrication tools for dynamic compression targets with engineered voids using photolithography methods
Pandolfi, S., T. Carver, D. Hodge, A. F. T. Leong, K. Kurzer-Ogul, P. Hart, E. Galtier, D. Khaghani, E. Cunningham, B. Nagler, H. J. Lee, C. Bolme, K. Ramos, K. Li, Y. Liu, A. Sakdinawat, S. Marchesini, P. M. Kozlowski, C. B. Curry, F.-J. Decker, S. Vetter, J. Shang, H. Aluie, M. Dayton, D. S. Montgomery, R. L. Sandberg, and A. E. Gleason, “Novel fabrication tools for dynamic compression targets with engineered voids using photolithography methods”, Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 103502 (2022)
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Experimental observation of open structures in elemental magnesium at terapascal pressures
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Shocked silica aerogel radiance transition
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Large planets may not form fractionally large moons
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Tidal Response and Shape of Hot Jupiters
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Asteroid magnetization from the early solar wind
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Scaling of Turbulent Viscosity and Resistivity: Extracting a Scale-dependent Turbulent Magnetic Prandtl Number
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Absence of a long-lived lunar paleomagnetosphere
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Deformation of binary and boron-doped Ni3Al alloys at high pressures studied with synchrotron x-ray diffraction
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Calibrating experiments at atom-crushing pressures
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Funding for our research is provided by the Center for Matter at Atomic Pressures (CMAP), a National Science Foundation (NSF) Physics Frontiers Center, under Award PHY-2020249. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the National Science Foundation.