November 8, 2024
M. Ghosh, S. X. Hu, E. Blackman, T. Suer, S. Zhang write in Physical Review B, “The high-pressure temperature phase diagram and transport properties of materials are of broad interest to planetary sciences and high-energy-density sciences and applications.”
February 5, 2025
A. Sur, R. Tejada Arevalo, Y. Su, and A. Burrows write in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, “With the recent realization that there likely are stably stratified regions in the interiors of both Jupiter and Saturn, we construct new nonadiabatic, inhomogeneous evolutionary models with the same microphysics for each that result at the present time in respectable fits for all major bulk observables for both planets.”
January 30, 2025
Z. Lin, S. Seager and B. P. Weiss write in The Planetary Science Journal, “The interior composition and structure of Uranus are ambiguous. It is unclear whether Uranus is composed of fully differentiated layers dominated by an icy mantle or has smooth compositional gradients.”
Phase separation of planetary ices explains nondipolar magnetic fields of Uranus and Neptune
November 25, 2024
Dr. Burkhardt Militzer writes in PNAS, “The Voyager spacecraft discovered that the ice giants Uranus and Neptune have nondipolar magnetic fields, defying expectations that a thick interior layer of planetary ices would generate strong dipolar fields.”
February 14, 2025
Dr. Burkhardt Militzer talks in Science Friday, about his recent research based on computer simulations of fluids hints that the planets could contain vast multi-layered oceans, as much as thousands of miles deep.
Ankan Sur, Roberto Tejada Arevalo, Yubo Su, and Adam Burrows, Simultaneous Evolutionary Fits for Jupiter and Saturn Incorporating Fuzzy Cores, (2025). In The Astrophysical Journal Letters.
Atmospheric wind energization of ocean weather
Shikhar Rai, J. Thomas Farrar & Hussein Aluie, Atmospheric wind energization of ocean weather, (2025). In Nature Communications.
Zifan Lin, Sara Seager and Benjamin P. Weiss, Interior and Gravity Field Models for Uranus Suggest a Mixed-composition Interior: Implications for the Uranus Orbiter and Probe, (2025). In The Planetary…
Roberto Tejada Arevalo, Ankan Sur, Yubo Su, and Adam Burrows, Jupiter Evolutionary Models Incorporating Stably Stratified Regions, (2025). In The Astrophysical Journal.
Calculating spectra by sequential filtering
Dongxiao Zhao, Hussein Aluie, Calculating spectra by sequential filtering, (2025). In Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy.
Zifan Lin, Saverio Cambioni, and Sara Seager, Most High-density Exoplanets Are Unlikely to Be Remnant Giant Planet’s Cores, (2025). In The Astrophysical Journal Letters.
Two Earth-size Planets and an Earth-size Candidate Transiting the nearby Star HD 101581
M. Kunimoto, Z. Lin, S. Millholland, A. Venner, N. R. Hinkel, A. Shporer, A. Vanderburg, J. Bailey, R. Brahm, J. A. Burt, R. P. Butler, B. Carter, D. R. Ciardi,…
Combined speckle- and propagation-based single shot two-dimensional phase retrieval method
A. F. T. Leong, D. S. Hodge, K. Kurzer-Ogul, S. Marchesini, S. Pandolfi, Y. Liu, J. L. Barber, K. Li, A. Sakdinawat, E. C. Galtier, B. Nagler, H. Ja Lee,…
Phase separation of planetary ices explains nondipolar magnetic fields of Uranus and Neptune
Burkhard Militzer, Phase separation of planetary ices explains nondipolar magnetic fields of Uranus and Neptune, (2024). In PNAS.
Maitrayee Ghosh, S. X. Hu, Eric Blackman, Terry-Ann Suer, Shuai Zhang, Melting and transport properties of Al2O3 at extreme conditions, (2024). In Physical Review B.
Salah Kouhen, Benjamin A. Storer, Hussein Aluie, David P. Marshall, Hannah M. Christensen, Convective and Orographic Origins of the Mesoscale Kinetic Energy Spectrum, (2024). In Geophysical Research Letters.
Powder X-ray diffraction assisted evolutionary algorithm for crystal structure prediction
Stefano Racioppi, Alberto Otero-de-la-Roza, Samad Hajinazar, Eva Zurek, Powder X-ray diffraction assisted evolutionary algorithm for crystal structure prediction, (2024). In Digital Discovery.
Surface Variability Mapping and Roughness Analysis of the Moon Using a Coarse-Graining Decomposition
Siyu Xue, Benjamin A. Storer, Rachel C. Glade, Hussein Aluie, Surface Variability Mapping and Roughness Analysis of the Moon Using a Coarse-Graining Decomposition, (2024). In Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR):…
A platform for planar dynamic compression of crystalline hydrogen toward the terapascal regime
A. K. Schwemmlein , G. W. Collins, A. J. LaPierre, Z. K. Sprowal, D. N. Polsin, R. Jeanloz, P. M. Celliers, J. H. Eggert, J. R. Rygg, A platform for…
D. N. Polsin, D. A. Chin, T. S. Duffy, M. Ginnane, X. Gong, L. E. Hansen, A. J. LaPierre, M. C. Marshall1, G. W. Collins, J. R. Rygg, Atomic structure…
Miki Nakajima, Jeremy Atkins, Jacob B. Simon and Alice C. Quillen, The Limited Role of the Streaming Instability during Moon and Exomoon Formation, (2024). In The Planetary Science Journal.
A Scale-Dependent Analysis of the Barotropic Vorticity Budget in a Global Ocean Simulation
Hemant Khatri, Stephen M. Griffies, Benjamin A. Storer, Michele Buzzicotti, Hussein Aluie, Maike Sonnewald, Raphael Dussin, Andrew Shao, A Scale-Dependent Analysis of the Barotropic Vorticity Budget in a Global Ocean…
Xiaoyu Wang, Nisha Geng, Kyla de Villa, Burkhard Militzer, Eva Zurek, Superconductivity in Dilute Hydrides of Ammonia under Pressure, (2024). In The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters.
E. Tey, A. Shporer, Z. Lin, K. G. Stassun, J.J. Lissauer, C. Hellier, K. A. Collins, K. I. Collins, G. Wingham, H. M. Relles, F. Mallia, G. Isopi, J. F.…
Huff, M. F., Fratanduono, D. E., McCoy, C. A., Marshall, M. C., Hansen, L. E., Polsin, D. N., Suer, T., Smith, E. A., Henderson, B. J., Gong, X., Collins, G.…
The development of thermodynamically consistent and physics-informed equation-of-state model through machine learning
J. Hinz, Dayou Yu, Deep Shankar Pandey, Hitesh Sapkota, Qi Yu, D. I. Mihaylov, V. V. Karasiev, S. X. Hu, The development of thermodynamically consistent and physics-informed equation-of-state model through…
D. A. Chin, P. M. Nilson, J. J. Ruby, G. Bunker, M. Ghosh, M. E. Signor, D. T. Bishel, E. A. Smith, F. Coppari, Y. Ping, J. R. Rygg, G.…
K. Kurzer-Ogul, B. M. Haines, D. S. Montgomery, S. Pandolfi, J. P. Sauppe, A. F. T. Leong, D. Hodge, P. M. Kozlowski, S. Marchesini, E. Cunningham, E. Galtier, D. Khaghani,…
Preeti Kharb, Eric G. Blackman, Eric Clausen-Brown, Mousumi Das, Daniel A. Schwartz, Aneta Siemiginowska, Smitha Subramanian, and Sravani Vaddi, Relativistic Jet Motion in the Radio-quiet LINER Galaxy KISSR 872, (2024).…
Dayou Yu, Deep Shankar Pandey, Joshua Hinz, Deyan Mihaylov, Valentin V Karasiev, S X Hu and Qi Yu, Deep energy-pressure regression for a thermodynamically consistent EOS model, (2024). In Machine…
Scott D. Hull, Miki Nakajima, Natsuki Hosono, Robin M. Canup and Rene Gassmöller, Effect of Equation of State and Cutoff Density in Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Simulations of the Moon-forming Giant…
Helical dynamo growth and saturation at modest versus extreme magnetic Reynolds numbers
Hongzhe Zhou, Eric G. Blackman, Helical dynamo growth and saturation at modest versus extreme magnetic Reynolds numbers, (2024). In Physical Review E.
Dylan Durkee, S. X. Hu, Breaking up CO2 through pressure-induced redox reaction with rhenium, (2024). In Physical Review B.
D.T. Bishel, P.M. Nilson, D.A. Chin, J.J. Ruby, E. Smith, S.X. Hu, R. Epstein, I.E. Golovkin, J.R. Rygg, G.W. Collins (2024). Toward constraint of ionization-potential depression models in a convergent…
UC Berkeley Professor Burkhard Militzer shares great news: “Phase separation of planetary ices explains nondipolar magnetic fields of Uranus and Neptune.”
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Kyla de Villa won the 2024 John C. Jamieson Student Paper Award
Kyla de Villa, a Ph.D. student in the Earth and Planetary Science Department at UC Berkeley, received the John C. Jamieson Student Paper Award in the 2024 Mineral and Rock Physics section.
Adrien Descamps
Queen’s University Belfast
September 13, 2024
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Sara Seager won the 2024 Kavli Prize in Astrophysics
Sara Seager, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, won the 2024 Kavli Prize in Astrophysics, “for their ground-breaking work on the discovery and characterization of extra-solar planets and their atmospheres.”
For “distinguished contributions to Condensed Matter Physics, particularly for his seminal groundbreaking work in high energy density science of matter at extreme pressures.”
This is the first time since 2009 that three faculty members have been elected in one year, as 2023 fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
Designation as an AAAS fellow is a distinguished lifetime honor within the scientific community.