New analysis of shock compression data for selected silicates
Jeanloz, R. (2022). Scaling relations for combined static and dynamic high-pressure experiments. In Y. Fei and M. Walter (Eds.), Static and Dynamic High Pressure Mineral Physics (pp. 135-146). Cambridge University…
New analysis of shock compression data for selected silicates
Duffy, T. S. (2022). New analysis of shock compression data for selected silicates. In Y. Fei and M. Walter (Eds.), Static and Dynamic High Pressure Mineral Physics (pp. 113-134). Cambridge…
Morphology of shocked lateral outflows in colliding hydrodynamic flows
R. N. Markwick, A. Frank, J. Carroll-Nellenback, E. G. Blackman, P. M. Hartigan, S. V. Lebedev, D. R. Russell, J. W. D. Halliday, and L. G. Suttle. Morphology of shocked…
Effective Drift Velocity from Turbulent Transport by Vorticity
Aluie, H., S. Rai, H. Yin, A. Lees, D. Zhao, S. Griffies, A. Adcroft, and J. Shang. Effective Drift Velocity from Turbulent Transport by Vorticity. Physical Review Fluids 7, 104601…
Novel fabrication tools for dynamic compression targets with engineered voids using photolithography methods
Pandolfi, S., T. Carver, D. Hodge, A. F. T. Leong, K. Kurzer-Ogul, P. Hart, E. Galtier, D. Khaghani, E. Cunningham, B. Nagler, H. J. Lee, C. Bolme, K. Ramos, K.…
Multi-frame, ultrafast, x-ray microscope for imaging shockwave dynamics
Hodge, D. S., A. F. T. Leong, S. Pandolfi, K. Kurzer-Ogul, D. S. Montgomery, H. Aluie, C. Bolme, T. Carver, E. Cunningham, C. B. Curry, M. Dayton, F.-J. Decker, E.…
Theory of the magnetothermal instability in coronal plasma flows
F. GarcĂa-Rubio, R. Betti, J. Sanz, and H. Aluie. Theory of the magnetothermal instability in coronal plasma flows. Physics of Plasmas 29, 092106 (2022).
Experimental observation of open structures in elemental magnesium at terapascal pressures
Gorman, M. G., S. Elatresh, A. Lazicki, M. M. E. Cormier, S. Bonev, D. McGonegle, R. Briggs, A. L. Coleman, S. D. Rothman, L. Peacock, J. Bernier, F. Coppari, D..…
Global energy spectrum of the general oceanic circulation
Storer, B.A., M. Buzzicotti, H. Khatri, S. M. Griffies, H. Aluie. Global energy spectrum of the general oceanic circulation. Nat Commun 13, 5314 (2022).
Shocked silica aerogel radiance transition
Henderson, B. J., J. R. Rygg, M. C. Marshall, M. K. Ginnane, L. E. Hansen, E. Davies, P. M. Celliers, G. W. Collins (2022). Shocked silica aerogel radiance transition, 132…