Convective and Orographic Origins of the Mesoscale Kinetic Energy Spectrum
Salah Kouhen, Benjamin A. Storer, Hussein Aluie, David P. Marshall, Hannah M. Christensen, Convective and Orographic Origins of the Mesoscale Kinetic Energy Spectrum, (2024). In Geophysical Research Letters.
Powder X-ray diffraction assisted evolutionary algorithm for crystal structure prediction
Stefano Racioppi, Alberto Otero-de-la-Roza, Samad Hajinazar, Eva Zurek, Powder X-ray diffraction assisted evolutionary algorithm for crystal structure prediction, (2024). In Digital Discovery.
Surface Variability Mapping and Roughness Analysis of the Moon Using a Coarse-Graining Decomposition
Siyu Xue, Benjamin A. Storer, Rachel C. Glade, Hussein Aluie, Surface Variability Mapping and Roughness Analysis of the Moon Using a Coarse-Graining Decomposition, (2024). In Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR):…
A platform for planar dynamic compression of crystalline hydrogen toward the terapascal regime
A. K. Schwemmlein , G. W. Collins, A. J. LaPierre, Z. K. Sprowal, D. N. Polsin, R. Jeanloz, P. M. Celliers, J. H. Eggert, J. R. Rygg, A platform for…
Atomic structure and melting of Ni and Fe36Ni up to 400 GPa
D. N. Polsin, D. A. Chin, T. S. Duffy, M. Ginnane, X. Gong, L. E. Hansen, A. J. LaPierre, M. C. Marshall1, G. W. Collins, J. R. Rygg, Atomic structure…
The Limited Role of the Streaming Instability during Moon and Exomoon Formation
Miki Nakajima, Jeremy Atkins, Jacob B. Simon and Alice C. Quillen, The Limited Role of the Streaming Instability during Moon and Exomoon Formation, (2024). In The Planetary Science Journal.
A Scale-Dependent Analysis of the Barotropic Vorticity Budget in a Global Ocean Simulation
Hemant Khatri, Stephen M. Griffies, Benjamin A. Storer, Michele Buzzicotti, Hussein Aluie, Maike Sonnewald, Raphael Dussin, Andrew Shao, A Scale-Dependent Analysis of the Barotropic Vorticity Budget in a Global Ocean…
Superconductivity in Dilute Hydrides of Ammonia under Pressure
Xiaoyu Wang, Nisha Geng, Kyla de Villa, Burkhard Militzer, Eva Zurek, Superconductivity in Dilute Hydrides of Ammonia under Pressure, (2024). In The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters.
GJ 238 b: A 0.57 Earth Radius Planet Orbiting an M2.5 Dwarf Star at 15.2 pc
E. Tey, A. Shporer, Z. Lin, K. G. Stassun, J.J. Lissauer, C. Hellier, K. A. Collins, K. I. Collins, G. Wingham, H. M. Relles, F. Mallia, G. Isopi, J. F.…
Sound speed and Grüneisen parameter up to three terapascal in shock-compressed iron
Huff, M. F., Fratanduono, D. E., McCoy, C. A., Marshall, M. C., Hansen, L. E., Polsin, D. N., Suer, T., Smith, E. A., Henderson, B. J., Gong, X., Collins, G.…