Sara Seager received an honorary Doctor of Science from the University of Toronto in 2023
For her leadership in the fields of astrophysics and planetary science and as a leader in the field of exoplanet atmospheres, Sara Seager received a Doctor of Science, honoris causa, from the University of Toronto in June 2023.
Phase transitions and spin state of iron in FeO under the conditions of Earth’s deep interior
Greenberg, E., Nazarov, R., Landa, A., Ying, J., Hood, R. Q., Hen, B., Jeanloz, R., Prakapenka, V. B., Struzhkin, V. V., Rozenberg, G. Kh., & Leonov, I. V. (2023). Phase…
Specific Heat of Electron Plasma Waves
Rygg, J. R., Celliers, P. M., & Collins, G. W. (2023). Specific Heat of Electron Plasma Waves. In Physical Review Letters (Vol. 130, Issue 22). American Physical Society (APS).
Relation of Gravity, Winds, and the Moment of Inertia of Jupiter and Saturn
Militzer, B., & Hubbard, W. B. (2023). Relation of Gravity, Winds, and the Moment of Inertia of Jupiter and Saturn. In The Planetary Science Journal (Vol. 4, Issue 5, p.…
Second CMAP Annual Meeting
May 24, 2023
The second CMAP Annual Meeting, hosted at the University of Rochester on River Campus, was a gathering of the CMAP team partner organizations. We welcomed guests from California State University Northridge; University of Chicago; University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; University of Illinois at Chicago; University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Sandia National Laboratories; University of California, Santa Cruz; Imperial College London; and University of Oxford.
Intercalating Helium into A-Site Vacant Perovskites
Racioppi, S., Miao, M., & Zurek, E. (2023). Intercalating Helium into A-Site Vacant Perovskites. In Chemistry of Materials (Vol. 35, Issue 11, pp. 4297–4310). American Chemical Society (ACS).
Maureen Zhang won second place in the category of physics and astronomy at ISEF Regeneron 2023
Maureen Zhang, a CMAP Research Experience for High Schoolers (REH) program alumna, won 2nd place in the category of physics and astronomy at ISEF Regeneron 2023, a highly competitive international science competition for high school students with nearly 3,000 student attendees. M. Zhang presented a machine learning project to determine the number of exoplanets in planetary systems.
Jupiter at its core remains a mystery to science
Adam Frank writes in Big Think, “For decades, planetary science was firm on the fact that Jupiter has a rocky core. New data extracted directly from the king of planets by the Juno spacecraft challenged that long-held standard.”
Jessica Shang selected as a 2022 Rochester Engineering Society Young Engineer of the Year Finalist
Jessica Shang, assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Rochester was selected as a 2022 Rochester Engineering Society Young Engineer of the Year Finalist.
Topological electride phase of sodium at high pressures and temperatures
Wang, B., Hilleke, K. P., Wang, X., Polsin, D. N., & Zurek, E. (2023). Topological electride phase of sodium at high pressures and temperatures. In Physical Review B (Vol. 107,…