Equation of State of CO2 Shock Compressed to 1 TPa
Crandall, L. E., J. R. Rygg, D. K. Spaulding, T. R. Boehly, S. Brygoo, P. M. Celliers, J. H. Eggert, D. E. Fratanduono, B. J. Henderson, M. F. Huff, R. Jeanloz, A. Lazicki, M. C. Marshall, D. N. Polsin, M. Zaghoo,…
Eight appointed to named professorships
September 22, 2020
Adam Frank, a professor of physics and astronomy, has been jointly appointed to the Helen F. and Fred H. Gowen Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, announced in September 2020.
Experiments replicate high densities in ‘white dwarf’ star remnants
August 16, 2020
Work to understand astrophysical processes of white dwarf stars may offer ideas for creating new materials on Earth.
Rochester leads effort to understand matter at atom-crushing pressures
August 10, 2020
NSF awards $13 million for multi-university initiative to explore ‘revolutionary states of matter.’
A measurement of the equation of state of carbon envelopes of white dwarfs
Kritcher, A. L., D. C. Swift, T. Döppner, B. Bachmann, L. X. Benedict, G. W. Collins, J. L. DuBois, F. Elsner, G. Fontaine, J. A. Gaffney, S. Hamel, A. Lazicki,…
Adam Burrows awarded Viktor Ambartsumian International Science Prize 2020
July 21, 2020
Adam Burrows, Professor of Astrophysical Sciences at Princeton University, has been awarded the Viktor Ambartsumian International Science Prize 2020.
Rochester recognized as leader in high-energy-density physics
October 10, 2019
Understanding how atoms react under high-pressure conditions—a field known as high-energy-density physics (HEDP)—can lead to the creation of new materials and give scientists valuable insights into the fields of astrophysics, energy, and national security.