Magnetic disorder of Uranus and Neptune explained
UC Berkeley Professor Burkhard Militzer shares great news: “Phase separation of planetary ices explains nondipolar magnetic fields of Uranus and Neptune.”
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Kyla de Villa won the 2024 John C. Jamieson Student Paper Award
Kyla de Villa, a Ph.D. student in the Earth and Planetary Science Department at UC Berkeley, received the John C. Jamieson Student Paper Award in the 2024 Mineral and Rock Physics section.
Probing Extreme States of Matter Using High-Resolution Inelastic X-Ray Scattering at Hard X-Ray Free Electron Lasers
Adrien Descamps
Queen’s University Belfast
September 13, 2024
4:00 – 5:00 PM ET
Sara Seager won the 2024 Kavli Prize in Astrophysics
Sara Seager, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, won the 2024 Kavli Prize in Astrophysics, “for their ground-breaking work on the discovery and characterization of extra-solar planets and their atmospheres.”
“How to find a planet you can’t see”
Under extreme pressures, matter defies the rules of physics as we know it.
From fusion to exoplanets: How to squeeze matter with light
Adam Frank writes in Big Think, “Scientists are studying ultra-high-pressure regimes in the Universe, not through traditional means like physical compression, but by using lasers. The Laboratory for Laser Energetics at the University of Rochester uses a powerful 60-beam Omega laser system to deliver concentrated energy to targets, mimicking the conditions of exoplanet interiors and star centers.”
On the Electride Nature of Na‐hP4
Racioppi, S., Storm, C. V., McMahon, M. I., & Zurek, E. (2023). On the Electride Nature of Na‐hP4. In Angewandte Chemie International Edition. Wiley.
The problem with Jupiter
Ab initio determination of iron melting at terapascal pressures and Super-Earths core crystallization
González-Cataldo, F., & Militzer, B. (2023). Ab initio determination of iron melting at terapascal pressures and Super-Earths core crystallization. In Physical Review Research (Vol. 5, Issue 3). American Physical Society…